
A professor by trade, and an avid DreamSeer who sought the knowledge of the Chaos which surrounded the Dream at the time. As at that time, the only way to examine the Chaos was to journey there yourself (a very dangerous practice) he felt quite miffed that no way existed for one to do so safely. In turn, he developed an art that would look at an infinitesimally small area of the Chaos, and report it's percentage of "purity" as a relation to the purest Chaos yet known. This works on the principle, that for Chaos to be truly Chaotic, it must also vary in concentration, a theory proved by the art of Random. Using this art, Xeoris made several studies of the Chaos, both reflecting on the nature of it, and the increasing danger of a breach in the City Walls, as the City expanded putting more pressure on the surrounding Chaos pressing in. This theory of his was vindicated by the Great Loss, but unfortunately, he was not around to see it.

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